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Orgelschule zur historischen Aufführungspraxis - Teil 3. Die Moderne

Laukvik Jon
1050 kr
Volume 3 (in German) contains articles by different authors on the interpretation of organ music of the 20th century (ranging from the early modern era to the avantgarde). The chapters are not structured based on a pre-existing mould or pattern. Rather they display stylistic diversity – personal recollections appear together with analytical studies.

Jon Laukvik’s Historical Performance Practice in Organ Playing has become a standard work. It is addressed to organists who wish to integrate the latest knowledge of historical performance practice into their playing today. The insights of this three-volume series are the result of practical and scholarly research which present to the performer in a detailed, easily understandable form a precise view of the customs and goals of performance in previous eras. These volumes are directed not only to organists, but also to organ teachers who are looking for a guide for use in their instruction.