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Gradus Volum 2/10

Ulvedalen Bjørn Vidar
210 kr
The organ collection Gradus is a continuation of these previous volumes, and consists of ten books containing 210 arrangements of a wide selection of pieces from the classical music heritage. The title has been chosen to emphasise that the level of difficulty (both musically and technically) increases step by step, and from volume to volume.

Until relatively recently, it was common for children to have prior knowledge of the piano before they could wish to learn to play the organ. Now, it has become more usual to allow children to start playing the organ as soon as they feel motivated. I have taught children as young as six or seven years of age over many years. My goal has been to allow children to feel joy from the very beginning through being able to master the instrument, and experience music by expressing it themselves.

The arrangements and selections are primarily intended for children and young people, but the music is grown-up! The Gradus collection is therefore equally relevant for anyone who, at a later stage in life, wants to learn to play the "queen of instruments", the pipe organ, in order to feel what it's like to play with one?s own hands and feet, and to fill a large room!