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Cry out and shout - 22 works by Knut Nystedt

Blandad kör
Nystedt Knut
445 kr
Contains 22 choir works put together in chronological order, from 1939 to 2002. A biographic part of the book tells about the works and the stylistic development of Nystedt's music, how Nystedt wanted his music performed and his thoughts around the prosess of composing. In the last part of the book there is a table of all Knut Nystedt's compositions for choir.


Sanctus op 2 no 2
Hymnus op 30
Cry out and shout
Thus saith the Lord op 43 no 1
Peace I leave with you op 43 no 2
I will praise thee, O Lord op 43 no 3
De profundis op 54
Praise to God op 55
Thou, O Lord
If you receive my words op 61 no 4
O Crux op 79
Das alte Lied op 83
Ave Maria op 110
Stabat Mater op 111
Missa brevis op 102
Agnus Dei
The wall is down op 104
Die Güte des Herrn op 125
Miserere op 140
Be not afraid op 146
Immortal Bach
Jerusalem op 145
Jesu sieben Worte op 171

En samling med 22 korverk for blanda kor av Knut Nystedt, samlet og redigert av Kåre Hanken og Harald Herresthal i forbindelse med Nystedts 100-årsjubileum