Notställsbelysning wonderflex Light, Black
345 kr
WonderFlex ger extra starkt varmt vitt ljus genom 2 energieffektiva lysdioder för belysning upp till 20 lumen. Den justerbara silikonhalsen ger komfort och flexibilitet för olika belysningsbehov. Den extra breda och robusta klämman skapar ett starkt grepp på flera ytor, inklusive musikställ, pedalbrädor, trumset och mixers. De dimbara LED -lamporna gör det också möjligt för användarna att ställa in sina egna ljusstyrkor.
3 stycken AAA-batterier ingår
The WonderFlex provides extra bright warm white light through 2 energy-efficient LEDs for illumination up to 20 lumens. Its adjustable silicon neck provides comfort and flexibility to accommodate a variety of lighting needs.The extra wide and sturdy clip creates a strong grip on multiple surfaces, including music stands, pedal boards, drum kits, and mixers. The dimmable LED lights also allow users to set their own brightness levels.
3 stycken AAA-batterier ingår
The WonderFlex provides extra bright warm white light through 2 energy-efficient LEDs for illumination up to 20 lumens. Its adjustable silicon neck provides comfort and flexibility to accommodate a variety of lighting needs.The extra wide and sturdy clip creates a strong grip on multiple surfaces, including music stands, pedal boards, drum kits, and mixers. The dimmable LED lights also allow users to set their own brightness levels.