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Arias for Tenor

Sång och piano
Larsen Robert L
440 kr
G. Schirmer Opera Anthology

Each aria has been painstakingly researched in preparing the new additions, creating what I believe, will be an eminently, credible, and useful source for this music. There are countless incidents were notes or words have been corrected to create a more substantiated presentation than in previous additions. Throughout the collections, one will find many spots where traditional cadenzas are recommended. Appropriate appoggiaturas, as defined by conservative application of tradition, are indicated as well. They are instances where an entirely refused piano reduction, more representative of the full score, has been created.These anthologies are for all of us who must remain students of our art throughout our lifetimes.’ - Robert L. Larsen


1. Be Not Afeard
2. Ach, So Fromm
3. Amor Ti Vieta From Fedora (Giordano)
4. Amore O Grillo (Puccini)
5. La Fleur Que Tu M'Avais Jetee
6. Che Gelida Manina From La Bohçme
7. Questa o quella
8. Com'E Gentil
9. Dal Labbro Il Canto (Verdi)
10. Dalla Sua Pace
11. De Miei Bollenti Spiriti
12. Dies Bildnis Ist Bezaubernd Schon
13. E La Solita Storia Del Pastore
14. Ecco Ridente In Cielo
15. En Fermant Les Yeux
16. Firenze E Come Un Albero Fiorito
17. Frisch Zum Kampfe! From Die EntfüHrung Aus Dem Serail
18. Horch, Die Lerche
19. I Know That You All Hate Me
20. Il Mio Tesoro
21. Inkslinger's Song
22. Je Crois Entendre Encore
23. La donna e mobile
24. Lenski's Aria
25. Lonely House
26. O Wie ängstlich From Die EntfüHrung Aus Dem Serail
27. Outside This House
28. Pourquoi Me Reveiller
29. Quanto E Bella (The Elixir Of Love)
30. Salut Demeure Chaste Et Pure
31. Spirto Gentil
32. Un'Aura Amorosa
33. Una Furtiva Lagrima (The Elixir Of Love)
34. Vainemant, Ma Bien-Aimee