30 Chorale Preludes on Gregorian Hymns Vol. 3
Peeters Flor
310 kr
Chorale Preludes Op. 77 No. 1-10
Jam sol recedit igneus (O trinity of blessed light)
Sacris solemnis juncta sint gaudia (At this most holy feast)
Ogloriosa virginum (O glorious Lady! Throned on high)
Te, Joseph, celebrent (O Joseph, heavenly hosts thy worthinessproclaim)
Jesu, dulcis memoria (Jesu! - the very thought is sweet)
Placare, Christe, servulis (In heaven above, at Good'shigh throne)
Exultet orbis gaudiis (Now let the earth with joy resound)
Jesu, corona virginium (Jesu, the virgin'scrown)
Caelestis urbs Jerusalem (Thou heavenly, new Jerusalem)
In manus tuas, Domine (In thy hands, o Lord)
Jam sol recedit igneus (O trinity of blessed light)
Sacris solemnis juncta sint gaudia (At this most holy feast)
Ogloriosa virginum (O glorious Lady! Throned on high)
Te, Joseph, celebrent (O Joseph, heavenly hosts thy worthinessproclaim)
Jesu, dulcis memoria (Jesu! - the very thought is sweet)
Placare, Christe, servulis (In heaven above, at Good'shigh throne)
Exultet orbis gaudiis (Now let the earth with joy resound)
Jesu, corona virginium (Jesu, the virgin'scrown)
Caelestis urbs Jerusalem (Thou heavenly, new Jerusalem)
In manus tuas, Domine (In thy hands, o Lord)