30 Chorale Preludes on Gregorian Hymns Vol. 1
Peeters Flor
520 kr
Chorale Preludes Op. 75 No. 1-10
Creator alme siderum (Creator of the stars of night)
Jesu redemptor omnium (Jesus, redeemer of all men)
Audi,benigne conditor (O kind creator, bow thine ear)
Vexilla Regis prodeunt (The Royal banners forward go)
Ad regias agni dapes(The lamb's high banquet we await)
Veni, creator spiritus (Come, o creator, spirit blest)
Pange, lingua (Now, my tongue, themystery telling)
Iste confessor (He, whose confession God of old accepted)
Ave Maris stella (Hail, brightest star ofocean)
Lucis creator optime (O blest creator of the light)
Creator alme siderum (Creator of the stars of night)
Jesu redemptor omnium (Jesus, redeemer of all men)
Audi,benigne conditor (O kind creator, bow thine ear)
Vexilla Regis prodeunt (The Royal banners forward go)
Ad regias agni dapes(The lamb's high banquet we await)
Veni, creator spiritus (Come, o creator, spirit blest)
Pange, lingua (Now, my tongue, themystery telling)
Iste confessor (He, whose confession God of old accepted)
Ave Maris stella (Hail, brightest star ofocean)
Lucis creator optime (O blest creator of the light)