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Von Liebe und Sehnsucht

Barn och diskantkör
SSA och piano
Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix
Martiné Pascal
200 kr
The music of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy is, for many choirs, an integral part of their repertoire and frequently sung, covering the genres from simple romantic folk song to large-scale oratorio. His music is known by and popular among all types of choral ensembles. And yet, Mendelssohn wrote hardly any works for women's choirs although such ensembles already played a role in the 19th-century choral scene during his lifetime.

For the present collection, Pascal Martiné therefore used the artistic trick of arrangement based on Mendelssohn's Gesänge für zwei Frauenstimmen und Klavier to which he added a third female voice. Martiné conceived the added part in such a way that he took the romantic voice leading into account and logically extended Mendelssohn's respective compositional technique. He maintained the original piano accompaniment which now contributes to the song-like character of these choral arrangements.

Ich wollt' meine Lieb' ergösse sich
Wie kann ich froh und lustig sein
Maiglöckchen und die Blümelein
Denn in seiner Hand ist, was die Erde bringt