66 Chorale Improvisations op. 65 1 Vol. 1
Karg-Elert Sigfrid
380 kr
Vol. 1: Advent, Christmas
Table of Contents
1. Abide among us with Thy grace (My life is hid in Jesus)
2. My inmost heart now raises
3. All things hang on our possessing
4. All praise and thanks to God most High
5. When the Lord recalls the banished
6. Now blessed be Thou, Christ Jesu
7. Let all together praise our God
8. Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
9. Ye sons of men, in earnest (From God I will not depart)
10. From heaven above to earth I come (This is the day, the Lord hath made)
11. Farewell I gladly bid thee (Ah! Lord, how shall I meet Thee)
Table of Contents
1. Abide among us with Thy grace (My life is hid in Jesus)
2. My inmost heart now raises
3. All things hang on our possessing
4. All praise and thanks to God most High
5. When the Lord recalls the banished
6. Now blessed be Thou, Christ Jesu
7. Let all together praise our God
8. Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
9. Ye sons of men, in earnest (From God I will not depart)
10. From heaven above to earth I come (This is the day, the Lord hath made)
11. Farewell I gladly bid thee (Ah! Lord, how shall I meet Thee)