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FLUTE IN CHURCH 25 hymns and pieces

Denwood Shirley
Ring för pris
FLUTE IN CHURCH 25 hymns and pieces is within our Flute Pieces section


Abide with Me; Salut d'Amour
Alleluia; Sheep may safely Graze
Amazing Grace; Te Deum Prelude
Art thou Troubled?; The Day Thou Gavest
Ave Maria (Schubert); Wedding March
Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod)
Bridal March
Chanson de Matin
Funeral March
God be in my Head
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Let the Bright Seraphim
Lift Thine Eyes
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
March of the Priests
O for the Wings of a Dove
O Rest in the World
Panis Angelicus