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Mikrokosmos - Volym 6

Bartók Bela
159 kr
153 Progressive Piano Pieces
Nos. 140-153

piano - English - French - German - Hungarian

Pages: 64


- Foreword to the Definitive Edition
- Preface by the Composer
- Free Variations
- Subject and Reflection
- From the Diary of a Fly
- Divided Arpeggios
- Minor Seconds, Major Sevenths
- Chromatic Invention (3)
- Ostinato
- March
- Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (1)
- Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (2)
- Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (3)
- Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (4)
- Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (5)
- Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (6)
- Appendix: Notes