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Selected Works for Organ Vol. 1

Cabanilles Joan
Ripoll Miguel Bernal
Doderer Gerhard
456 kr
Although quite some time has passed since the multifaceted organ music from Spain's Golden Age could be called an “insider's tip”, it had yet to attain popularity with any wide audience outside the countries of the Iberian Peninsula. The three-volume original text edition of selected works by Joan Cabanilles, the cathedral organist from Valencia, now has every chance of becoming a milestone in its own right. The Iberian organ tradition of the 17th century appears to have reached its climax in his tientos, diferencias and versos. In the first two volumes, the editors Gerhard Doderer and Miguel Bernal Ripoll present a total of 22 of his most appealing and most significant tientos.

- Original text edition based on the latest research findings
- Preface by the editors (in German, English and Spanish)


Biblioteca de Catalunya, M 386, p. 187
Biblioteca de Catalunya, M 387, fol. 203
Biblioteca de Catalunya, M 387, fol. 242v
Biblioteca de Catalunya, M 386, p. 16
Selected Works for Organ:
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
1. Tiento lleno de primer tono
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
2. Tiento lleno de primer tono sobre "In exitu Israel de Aegypto"
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
3. Tiento lleno de segundo tono por Gesolreut
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
4. Tiento lleno de cuarto tono
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
5. Tiento lleno de cuarto tono
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
6. Tiento lleno de quinto tono por bequadrado
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
7. Tiento lleno de sexto tono
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
8. Tiento lleno de sexto tono
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
9. Tiento lleno de séptimo tono por Alamire
Composer / Author:
Cabanilles, Joan
10. Tiento lleno de octavo tono
Critical Report