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The new church Anthem Book - hardback

Blandad kör
Dakers Lionel
265 kr
SATB & keyboard
One hundred anthems compiled and edited by Lionel Dakers.

Arcadelt: Haec dies
Arcadelt: O Lord, my God, to thee
Aston: So they gave their bodies
Attwood: Come, Holy Ghost
Attwood: Turn thy face from my sins
Bach: Awake, thou wintry earth
Bach: Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Bach: Jesu, lead my footsteps ever
Bach: King of glory, King of peace
Bach: Subdue us by Thy goodness
Bairstow: The day draws on with golden light
Bairstow: Jesu, the very thought of thee
Bairstow: Though I speak with the tongues of men
Bourgeois: O gladsome light, O grace
Bruckner: Locus iste
Byrd: Ave verum corpus
Byrd: Sacerdotes Domini
Carter: Mary's Magnificat
Carter: O Lord, open thou our lips
Crotch: Comfort, O Lord, the soul of thy servant
Drese: Round me falls the night
Eccard: When to the temple Mary went
Elgar: Ave verum corpus
Farrant: Call to remembrance
Farrant: Hide not thou thy face
Farrant: Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Ford: Almighty God, which has me brought
Gardiner: Evening Hymn
Gibbons: Almighty and everlasting God
Gibbons: Drop, drop, slow tears
Gibbons: This is the record of John
Goss: If we believe
Goss: God so loved the world
Goss: O Saviour of the world
Greene: Thou visitest the earth
Handel: Lord, I trust thee
Handel: Zadok the Priest
Harris: Come down, O Love divine
Harris: Holy is the true light
Holst: Turn back O Man
How: Praise, O praise
Howells: My eyes for beauty pine
John IV: Crux fidelis
Joubert: O Lorde, the maker of al thing
Lassus: Super flumina Babylonis
Leighton: Solus ad victimam
Ley: Lo, round the throne a glorious band
Ley: The strife is o'er
Loosemore: O Lord, increase our faith
Marchant: The souls of the righteous
Mathias: Salve regina
Mendelssohn: Above all praise
Mendelssohn: When Jesus, our Lord
Moore: Antiphon
Morgan: A Palm Sunday Antiphon
Morley: Nolo mortem peccatoris
Mozart: Ave verum corpus
Mudd: Let they merciful ears, O Lord
Munday: O Lord, the maker of all things
Oxley: My shepherd is Lord
Palestrina: Adoramus te, Christe
Palestrina: Salvator mundi
Parry: My soul, there is a country
Phillips: Surgens Jesus
Piccolo: O come, let us sing unto the Lord
Pitoni: Cantate Domino
Purcell: Rejoice in the Lord alway
Purcell: Thou knowest, Lord
Rutter: A Gaelic Blessing
Rutter: God by in my head
Saint-Saens: Panis angelicus
Schubert: Where Thou reignest
Schütz: Praise to thee, Lord Jesus
Shephard: The secret of Christ
Somervell: O Saviour of the world
Stanford: Pray that Jerusalem
Sterndale Bennett: God is a spirit
Sterndale Bennett: O that I knew where I might find him!
Tallis: If ye love me
Tchaikovsky: Holy, Holy, Holy
Thatcher: Come, ye faithful
Tye: O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
Vaughan Williams: Let us now praise famous men
Vaughan Williams: O how amiable
Victoria: Jesu dulcis memoria
Victoria: O quam gloriosum
Walford Davies: Blest are the pure in heart
Walford Davies: God be in my head
Wesley: Blessed be the God and Father
Wesley: Lead me, Lord
Wesley: O Lord my God
Wesley: Thou judge of quick and dead
Wesley: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Wesley: Wash me throughly
Wise: Blessed is he that considereth
Wood: Never weather-beaten sail
Wood: O thou, the central orb
Wood: Oculi omnium