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The Miracle of the Spring

Blandad kör
SATB och slagverk
Chilcott Bob
133 kr
SATB & percussion
Orchestration: Percussion 1: glock (or similar) and log drums. Percussion 2: mark tree and log drums.

This powerfully evocative and uplifting work celebrates the pursuit, and eventual discovery, of water. Brimming with freshness and vitality, The Miracle of the Spring encompasses an array of moods and styles that perfectly convey the essence of Charles Bennett's text, from the relentless rhythmic motifs depicting the parched landscape to the flowing aleatoric fragments suggesting the gushing of the spring. The simple percussion parts for glockenspiel, mark tree, and log drums add texture and drive to the a cappella voices and may be performed by two choir members or separate percussionists. Imbued with rich harmonies, infectious rhythms, and unforgettable melodies, this piece will leave both choir and audience feeling inspired.