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Soloing the Stops (Manuals)

245 kr
Soloing the Stops is designed as a showcase for the kind of stops that are common to most organs. We asked our composers to write pieces that faithfully mirror the character of each stop and the result is a collection of great charm and originality.


A diapason occasion - Rosalie Bonighton
A passing vapour - Richard Lloyd
Aria - Robert Jones
A trumpet gigue - Martin Setchell
Berceuse for the gemshorn - Andrew Moore
Blow up the trumpet! - Rosalie Bonighton
Caprice (Pizzicato pedal) - Robert Jones
Cornopean dreams - Simon Clark
De profundis – Michael Higgins
Diapason chimes - Martin Setchell
Diapason melody - David Terry
Flourish for tuba - Andrew Wright
Flutes of fancy - Simon Clark
Folk tune - Andrew Fletcher
Idyll - Norman Warren
Impromptu for the flutes – June Nixon
In the sound of the trumpet - Andrew Fletcher
March to Marrakesh – John Jordan
Meditation on Kingsfold - June Nixon
Paean - Michael Higgins
Pilgrims’ song - Norman Warren
Plaint - Richard Lloyd
Prière - Andrew Wright
Scherzo - David Terry
Serenade for strings - John Marsh
The cheeky cornopean - Colin Mawby
The mill stream - Elizabeth Hill
The serene rohr flute - Colin Mawby
Toccatina for the posaune – Andrew Moore
Tuba on parade - John Marsh
Willow song - John Jordan