Christmas Collection for Organ
430 kr
A Christmas fugue - Richard Pantcheff
A roundelay for Christmas Day - Stanley Vann
Bethlehem lullaby - Malcolm Archer
Dancing day - Rosalie Bonighton
Hasten to Bethlehem - John Marsh
Hodie Christus natus est - Colin Mawby
Improvisation on Angels we have heard on high - Simon Clark
Improvisation on Christe, redemptor omnium - Adrian Vernon Fish
Lullaby - Richard Lloyd
Nowell! Nowell! Christus natus est! - Andrew Fletcher
Prelude for Christmas Eve - Betty Roe
Song of cradle love - Quentin Thomas
The Angels' lullaby - Andrew Gant
The Shepherds' lullaby - Andrew Moore
To Bethlehem - James Patten
Toccata on I saw three ships - Martin Setchell
Variants on Joys seven - Richard Proulx
Variations on Humility - June Nixon
A roundelay for Christmas Day - Stanley Vann
Bethlehem lullaby - Malcolm Archer
Dancing day - Rosalie Bonighton
Hasten to Bethlehem - John Marsh
Hodie Christus natus est - Colin Mawby
Improvisation on Angels we have heard on high - Simon Clark
Improvisation on Christe, redemptor omnium - Adrian Vernon Fish
Lullaby - Richard Lloyd
Nowell! Nowell! Christus natus est! - Andrew Fletcher
Prelude for Christmas Eve - Betty Roe
Song of cradle love - Quentin Thomas
The Angels' lullaby - Andrew Gant
The Shepherds' lullaby - Andrew Moore
To Bethlehem - James Patten
Toccata on I saw three ships - Martin Setchell
Variants on Joys seven - Richard Proulx
Variations on Humility - June Nixon