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Festival Flourish for organ

320 kr
Plenty of jolly, hummable pieces to delight both organist and congregation. Give them a treat! ' Praise the Lord with mighty sounds!'


A ceremonial pageant - Simon Clark
All nature’s song of praise - Colin Hand
All things bright and breezy - Rosalie Bonighton
Bell voluntary - James Patten
Chenaniah’s chanticle - Richard Lloyd
Deo gratias - Philip Moore
Festal finale - John Marsh
Festal processional - Andrew Fletcher
Festal trumpets - Noel Rawsthorne
Intrada for a bride - Malcolm McKelvey
Make a joyful noise - Alan Viner
March - Andrew Gant
Paen - June Nixon
Petite marche brillante - Betty Roe
Pontifical processional - Stanley Vann
Praise the Lord with mighty sounds - Colin Mawby
Prelude of perambulation - Quentin Thomas
Procession - Malcolm Archer
Scherzo for the flutes - Norman Warren
Toccatina festiva - Adrian Vernon Fish
Trompette - Richard Proulx
Trumpet tune - Martin Setchell
Trumpet voluntary - Andrew Moore