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Organ plus one - Advent, Weihnachten, Christmas

Orgel och instrument
Orgel och instrument
Klomp Carsten
405 kr

Bärenreiter is publishing a new series ORGAN PLUS ONE and hereby presents a new concept: pieces of easy to moderate technical difficulty for organ plus any choice of solo instrument. Each edition contains pieces which are freely-composed or based on hymn tunes. These pieces are original works or arrangements. The editions include solo parts for instruments in C, Bb, Eb and F, which can be played by string, wind and brass instruments. Attention has been paid that the range for the solo instruments is in the middle register, making the music particularly appealing to non-professional church musicians and instrumentalists.

This concept for flexible instrumentation combined with easy playability will ensure that all pieces can be easily tackled and fun to play, be it during church services, musical evening and small concerts. The wide variety of pieces in attractive idiomatic arrangements guarantees instant success for both instrumentalists and organists.

The contents of the editions in this series correspond to the seasons of the church year which plays an important role for full-time as well as part-time church musicians.

Advent / Christmas
Passiontide / Easter
Epiphany / Whitsun/Pentecost
Praise and Thanks
Services (beginning / end / morning / liturgy)
Special services (baptisms / weddings)

Kolla också: BA8504, Death and Eternity/ Funeral Service, BA8503, Passion/Easter, BA8506, Divine Service