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The Divine Compassion

Blandad kör
Lloyd Webber William
270 kr
The Divine Compassion is a major work, a full-length cantata for tenor and baritone solos, chorus and organ, with a text based on the Gospel of John.

Like all Lloyd Webber's compositions this one is melodic, skilfully written, romantic and lovely to sing.

Part I
The glory incarnate
Christ, the bread of life
Christ, the good shepherd
Adoration of Christ, the faithful shepherd
The love of Christ
The high-priestly intercession
The Christian soul's response to Christ's prayer

Part II
The glory of sacrifice
Christ betrayed
The arrest
Christ in the hands of his enemies
Peter's denial of Christ
Christ denied by his friend
Christ before Pilate
Christ judged by worldly power
Christ mocked and condemned
The condemnation of Christ
Christ crucified
The glory of the crucified

Part III
The resurrection glory
Christ in the tomb
The dawn of hope
The soul's response to the love of the crucified and risen Lord