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William Lloyd Webber Centenary Collection - Born a King

Blandad kör
Lloyd Webber William
190 kr
We are delighted to celebrate the centenary of William Lloyd Webber with this eight-book collection.

Showcasing him in the light of a composer who was true to himself and who fully embraced his signature style, this is music that is romantic, melodious and – above all – heartfelt.

This is also music that goes beyond the accepted conventions of his day – music whose time has come!

This tuneful, straightforward and thoroughly enjoyable cantata has parts for baritone solo, chorus and organ, with three well-known hymns for the congregation. The text is taken from Scripture and other sources including Wesley, Luther and Heber. Born a King will take 20-25 minutes to perform, making it suitable for use in a service or as part of a longer Christmas concert. It will cause no learning headaches for a parish choir and will give much pleasure.

Blessed is he that cometh
Come, thou long expected Jesus
Hark the glad sound

Of the Father's love begotten
My heart for very joy doth leap
Once in royal Devid's city

O come, let us worship home
Behold, there came wise men
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
As with gladness men of old